Sweet dreams
Sleep tight
Pleasant dreams
Have a good night
Rest well
Sleep well
Dream of me
Don’t let the bedbugs bite
Goodnight and sweet dreams
I’ll see you in the morning
Time for bed
Catch some Z’s
Don’t stay up too late
Wishing you a peaceful night
Have a restful night
Time to hit the hay
Goodnight my love
See you in the morning
Dream of wonderful things
Hope you have a great sleep
Take care of yourself
Sweet dreams and sleep tight
Have a wonderful night
Goodnight and sleep well
Nighty night, don’t let the bedbugs bite
I’ll see you on the other side of the moon
May your dreams be magical
Pleasant slumber
Catch some shut-eye
May your night be peaceful
Rest easy
Don’t forget to dream
I hope you have a great sleep
Sleep soundly
Have a peaceful night’s rest
Sweet dreams, my dear
Don’t let the bedbugs bite, sleep tight
Dream big
May your sleep be restful
See you in the morning, refreshed and ready
Goodnight and rest well
Wishing you a good night’s sleep
Have a cozy night
Rest your head and close your eyes
May your sleep be deep and rejuvenating
Have a wonderful slumber
Sweet dreams and goodnight
May you wake up feeling refreshed and renewed
Have a restful and peaceful night
Sleep like a baby
Goodnight and pleasant dreams
May you dream of happy things
Don’t let the bedbugs bite, sleep well
May you wake up feeling energized and ready for the day
Sweet dreams, sleep well
May your sleep be filled with warmth and comfort
See you on the other side of the night
Sleep tight and don’t let the bedbugs bite
Goodnight and sleep tight
May you dream of beautiful things
Rest well and wake up refreshed
Have a peaceful and relaxing night
Dream of your heart’s desire
Sweet dreams and see you in the morning
Wishing you a good night’s rest
Have a deep and rejuvenating sleep
May your dreams be full of happiness
Don’t forget to dream big
Sleep soundly and wake up refreshed
Have a cozy and warm night
Goodnight and sweet dreams to you
May you wake up feeling renewed and refreshed
Sleep well and sweet dreams
May you have a peaceful and restful night
Rest your head and drift off to sleep
Have a wonderful and restful sleep
May your dreams be filled with joy and love
Goodnight and pleasant dreams to you
Sleep tight and don’t let the bedbugs bite
May you dream of wonderful things
Have a deep and restful sleep
Sweet dreams and see you soon
May you wake up feeling energized and refreshed
Have a comfortable and relaxing night