ना रात कटती है ना वक्त.. एक शख्स जिंदगी को बहुत धीमा कर गया..!!
ना रात कटती है ना वक्त.. एक शख्स जिंदगी को बहुत धीमा कर गया..!!

Good Night शुभ रात्रि
#शुभ_रात्रि एक #महिला की आदत थी, कि वह हर रोज सोने से पहले, अपनी दिन भर की खुशियों को एक काग़ज़ पर, लिख लिया करती थीं.... एक रात उन्होंने...

Good Night Quotes | ❝ Thinking of you keeps me awake. Dreaming of you keeps me asleep. Being with...
❝ Thinking of you keeps me awake. Dreaming of you keeps me asleep. Being with you keeps me alive.❞ ❝ तुम्हारे बारे में सोचना मुझे जगाए...

Good Night Quotes | ❝Forgive yourself each night and start every morning with a plan to do better. D
❝Forgive yourself each night and start every morning with a plan to do better. Don't carry around any burden or pain. Let it all go.❞

❝However long the night, the dawn will break.❞ Good Night Sweet Dreams..!!
❝However long the night, the dawn will break.❞ ❝रात कितनी भी लंबी क्यों न हो, भोर टूट जाएगी.❞ good night images good night quotes good...

Good Night Quotes | ❝ One day, we will never have to say goodbye, only good night.❞
❝ One day, we will never have to say goodbye, only good night.❞ ❝ एक दिन, हमें कभी अलविदा नहीं कहना पड़ेगा, केवल शुभ रात्रि।❞

Good Night Quotes | ❝You can’t change every thing in one night, but one night can change everything.
❝ You can’t change everything in one night, but one night can change everything.❞ ❝ आप सब कुछ नहीं बदल सकते एक रात में, लेकिन एक रात सब...

Good Night Quotes | ❝It’s end of the Day. It’s nice to have a friend like you, making my every Sing
❝It’s end of the Day. It’s nice to have a friend like you , making my every Single Day seem so great. ❞ ❝यह दिन का अंत है। यह अच्छा है...

Good Night Quotes | ❝ Sleep well because my love is the wings to cover you and my hug and kiss are t
❝ Sleep well because my love is the wings to cover you and my hug and kiss are the warmth to give you Pleasure. ❞ ❝ अच्छी नींद लें...

Good Night Quotes | ❝ Here is a short line to keep in touch because you’re always on my mind very...
❝ Here is a short line to keep in touch because you’re always on my mind very much.❞ ❝ यहां संपर्क में रहने के लिए एक छोटी सी लाइन है...

Life Quotes | ❝When life knocks you down, roll over and look at the stars.❞
❝When life knocks you down, roll over and look at the stars.❞ ❝जब जीवन आपको नीचे गिराए, तो पलट जाइए और सितारों को देखिए।❞ life quotes...

Good Night Quotes | ❝Even the darkest night will end and the sun will rise. @Victor_Hugo❞
❝Even the darkest night will end and the sun will rise. @Victor_Hugo❞

Good Night Quotes | ❝ My mind thinks of you the second I fall asleep and as soon as I wake up each..
❝ My mind thinks of you the second I fall asleep and as soon as I wake up each morning.❞ ❝ मेरा मन तुम्हारे बारे में सोचता है जब मैं सो...

Good Night Quotes | ❝ I think about you constantly, whether it’s with my mind or my heart.❞
❝ I think about you constantly, whether it’s with my mind or my heart.❞

Good Night Quotes | ❝ All I do each day is wait to be with you again. My entire day revolves around
❝ All I do each day is wait to be with you again. My entire day revolves around the hope that I can spend my evenings in your arms...