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Denzel Washington Quotes

Inspirational Denzel Washington Quotes On

“You never know how or when you’ll have an impact, or how important your example can be to someone else.”
“You never know how or when you’ll have an impact, or how important your example can be to someone else.”
“You never know how or when you’ll have an impact, or how important your example can be to someone else.”

“Goals on the road to achievement cannot be achieved without discipline and consistency.”


At the end of the day, it's not about what you have or even what you've accomplished. It's about what you've done with those accomplishments. Its about who you've lifted up, who you've made better. It about what you've given back

“With so many things coming back in style, I can't wait until morals, respect and intelligence become a trend again.”


“If you don't read the newspaper, you're uninformed, if you do read the newspaper, you're misinformed.”


“Some people will never like you because your spirit irritates their demons.”


“Goals on the road to achievement cannot be achieved without discipline and consistency.”


“  Without commitment, you’ll never start, but more importantly, without consistency, you’ll never finish.    ”
“ Without commitment, you’ll never start, but more importantly, without consistency, you’ll never finish. ”

“ The strongest, toughest men all have compassion. They're not heartless and cold. You have to be man enough to have compassion -- to care about people and about your children.    ”
“ The strongest, toughest men all have compassion. They're not heartless and cold. You have to be man enough to have compassion -- to care about people and about your children. ”

“ Dreams without Goals are just Dreams.    ”
“ Dreams without Goals are just Dreams. ”

I say luck is when an opportunity comes along and you're prepared for it.
I say luck is when an opportunity comes along and you're prepared for it.


You'll never be criticized by someone who is doing more than you. You'll always be criticized by some doing less. Remember that.
You'll never be criticized by someone who is doing more than you. You'll always be criticized by some doing less. Remember that.

The bird does not fear the branch on which it is standing, because its confidence is not in the branch, but in its wings.
The bird does not fear the branch on which it is standing, because its confidence is not in the branch, but in its wings.

Just because you don't share it on social media, doesn't mean you're not up to big things. Live it and stay low key. Privacy is everything
Just because you don't share it on social media, doesn't mean you're not up to big things. Live it and stay low key. Privacy is everything

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